05.02.2025 How certain molecules protect against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Swiss scientists have developed a novel computational approach to accelerate the search for effective Parkinson’s and…
29.01.2024 Dynamic Decoded: Scientists successfully simulate protein complex that initiates fertilisation Researchers at ETH Zurich recently developed highly realistic simulations of the proteins on sperm and egg cells…
12.06.2023 Simulations show for the first time how DNA is made available for replication in cells Before DNA in cells can be replicated or repaired, a very specific process must take place. By combining experiment and…
28.02.2023 Back on Their Feet: Neuroscientist highlights how CSCS resources support new spinal rehabilitation treatment In early November of 2022, EPFL’s press release "Scientists identify neurons that restore walking after paralysis" made…
25.07.2022 Imaging the brain with ultrasound waves As wave specialists, seismologists map the structure of planets from the information that seismic waves carry. Now, the…
23.05.2022 HPC simulations predict mysterious biological processes of the cell In the life sciences, computer simulations usually confirm experiments and make visible what imaging methods cannot…
17.09.2021 Scientists employ "Piz Daint" in search for drugs against COVID-19 For people who have not been vaccinated against the coronavirus, drugs that mitigate an infection can be lifesaving.…
09.09.2021 “Piz Daint” simulations aid team’s quest to sequence a single protein molecule In contrast to DNA, the sequence of proteins can not yet be identified at the level of one single cell or one single…
09.06.2021 Scientists explore lipid metabolism with simulations and experiments Biophysicist Stefano Vanni from the University of Fribourg runs simulations on the CSCS supercomputer "Piz Daint" to…
07.10.2020 Cholesterol binding sends long distance communication signals in proteins Scientists at the University of Southern Denmark used simulations on the "Piz Daint" supercomputer to show how the…
01.09.2020 Focus on the heart Mechanical engineer Dominik Obrist has been enthusiastic about computers for years, and working with supercomputers and…
13.07.2020 Simulations show how certain cell components influence cellular “highway” processes The ends of the finest protein structures of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton inside the cell regulate the delivery of…
15.06.2020 Designing vaccines from artificial proteins EPFL scientists have developed a new computational approach to create artificial proteins, which showed promising…
11.05.2020 “In these days, there is a necessity for us to make results available very quickly, even before publication” CSCS supports special national and international calls to study COVID-19 by participating in the SNF (Swiss National…
30.04.2020 How to look for hidden drug binding pockets Cryptic pockets are hidden and appear only when a ligand molecule is actually bound. Now researchers have developed a…