Torsten Hoefler, University of Urbana-Champaign,USA and ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Advanced MPI 2.2 and MPI 3.0 Tutorial »

Roberto Ansaloni, Cray Inc.

A Quick Tour on OpenACC and Co. »

PGAS Programming on the Cray XK6 »

Users experience:

Roger Kaeppeli, ETH Zurich

The FISH/ELEPHANT Astrophysics Code for Modeling Stellar Explosion »

Stephan Mohr, University of Basel

MPI in BigDFT »

William Sawyer, Sergei Isakov, Adrian Tineo, CSCS and ETH Zurich

User Experiments with PGAS »

Romain Teyssier and Markus Wetzstein, University of Zurich

Parallel Computing with Adaptive Mesh Refinement Cosmological Simulations with RAMSES »