16.11.2021 Webinar - Sarus: Towards HPC Performance for Portable Containers Sarus is a container engine aiming to bridge the gap between container portability and native HPC performance.…
18.10.2021 Video of the course: Advanced C++ The course aimed at providing the fundamental tools for effective C++ programming in the context of high-performance…
07.07.2021 Video of the course: High-Performance Computing with Python 2021 The aim of the course was to show how Python can be used on parallel architectures and how to optimize critical parts of…
24.06.2021 Video of the webinar: Long Term Storage Service at CSCS CSCS organized the webinar "Long Term Storage Service at CSCS," which took place online on June 23, 2021.
12.05.2021 Video of the tutorial: Interactive Computing with Jupyter on Piz Daint, using Python, ParaView and Julia CSCS organized the tutorial "Interactive Computing with Jupyter on Piz Daint, using Python, ParaView and Julia", which…
19.11.2020 Video of the webinar: Parallel I/O on Piz Daint CSCS organized the webinar "Parallel I/O on Piz Daint", which took place online on October 22, 2020.
18.11.2020 Video of the course: Multi GPU Training with TensorFlow on Piz Daint CSCS organized the workshop "Multi GPU Training with TensorFlow on Piz Daint", which took place online from September 7…
16.11.2020 Video of the course: Scientific Visualization This online course served as an introduction to general topics in 3D Scientific Visualization available on Piz Daint.
12.11.2020 Video of the webinar: High-Performance Computing with Python The aim of the course was to show how Python can be used on parallel architectures and how to optimize critical parts of…
15.04.2020 Video of the webinar: How to prepare the Technical Report for proposal submission The webinar provided applicants with guidelines for the preparation of the Technical Report for the National and Tier-0…
02.03.2020 Video of the webinar: How to get started at CSCS The webinar presented guidelines for beginners to the CSCS User Lab, featuring instructions on how to access CSCS…
23.10.2019 Videos of workshop: Advanced C++ CSCS hosted the course from October 14-16, 2019 at CSCS in Lugano, Switzerland.
16.10.2019 Videos of workshop: Advanced Scientific Visualization with ParaView CSCS hosted the course from September 25-26, 2019 at CSCS in Lugano, Switzerland.
25.07.2019 Videos of workshop: High-Performance Computing with Python The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre hosted the course from July 02-04, 2019 in Lugano, Switzerland.
23.05.2019 Videos of workshop: Software Management The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre hosted the course from May 13-14, 2019 in Lugano, Switzerland.