CSCS organized March 24-27 a 4-day training course on "Piz Daint" CSCS hybrid Cray XC30 system. "Piz Daint" has 5.272 compute nodes (with Intel® Xeon® E5-2670 and NVIDIA® Tesla® K20X) and a peak performance of 7.8 Petaflops. The presentations have being given by experts from Cray, NVIDIA and Allinea.

March 24, 2014

Hart Alistair (Cray)

The Cray Programming Environment on Cray XC30 »

Themis Athanassiadou (CSCS)

Using the Cray XC30 Piz Daint »

Sadaf Alam (CSCS)

New User & Usage Interfaces on Piz Daint »

Hart Alistair (Cray)

An introduction to GPU hybrid programming on Cray XC30 »

Hart Alistair (Cray)

Understanding Communication and MPI on Cray XC30 »

Hart Alistair (Cray)

Understanding Cray MPI »

Hart Alistair (Cray)

Hybrid Programming on Cray XC30 »

March 25, 2014

Alfio Lazzaro (Cray)

Overview of Compilers on Cray XC30 »

Alfio Lazzaro (Cray)

Serial Performance Optimizations »

March 26, 2014

Alfio Lazzaro (Cray)

Introduction to application analysis with CrayPAT »

Alfio Lazzaro (Cray)

Using CrayPAT to understand parallel performance »

Patrick Wohlschlegel (Allinea)

Introduction to at-scale GPU debugging with Allinea DDT »

Patrick Wohlschlegel (Allinea)

Introduction to at-scale GPU debugging with Allinea DDT: Examples (1/2) »

Patrick Wohlschlegel (Allinea)

Introduction to at-scale GPU debugging with Allinea DDT: Examples (2/2) »

March 27, 2014

William Sawyer (CSCS)

A brief compendium of GPU-accelerated numerical libraries (1/2) »

William Sawyer (CSCS)

A brief compendium of GPU-accelerated numerical libraries (2/2) »

Alfio Lazzaro (Cray)

Cray Scientific Libraries: Overview and Performance »

Joost VandeVondele (ETH Zurich)

Petascale resources and CP2K: Enabling sampling, large scale models or correlations beyond DFT »

Peter Staar (ETH Zurich)

GPUs and DCA+: a match made in heaven »

Oliver Fuhrer (MeteoSwiss)

Getting COSMO ready for Piz Daint »