February 08, 2022 - by CSCS

Sonia I. Seneviratne

Full Professor, Department of Environmental Systems Science Institution ETH Zurich.


  • 1999-2002 PhD in atmospheric and climate science, ETH Zurich
  • 2003-2004 Visiting Research Associate, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, USA
  • 2005-2007 Senior Research Scientist / Oberassistentin, ETH Zurich
  • 2007-2012 Assistant Professor, ETH Zurich 2013-2016 Associate professor, ETH Zurich
  • 2016-Present Full professor, ETH Zurich

Area of research
Atmospheric and climate science.

Specialised in
Land-climate dynamics and climate extremes.

HPC means for me
High performance computing is an important part of the work of my team. We combine climate model experiments and statistical data analysis, based on model data, ground observations, and satellite measurements, in our research.

HPC for Climate Change

Sonia Seneviratne’s research focuses on climate extremes and land-climate interactions. Understanding processes leading to droughts and heatwaves, the impact of land processes and land cover changes on regional climate, and their changes with global warming is a top priority to address the urgent problem of the climate change. With the help of “Piz Daint” Sonia Seneviratne and her team are investigating the role of land surface conditions, mobility and greenhouse gas emissions for regional climate and climate extremes. These studies can support policy-makers toward designing holistic solutions to address the challenge of climate change adaptation and mitigation on local to regional and global scale.