September 27, 2024 - by CSCS

CSCS 2025 I Call for Proposals

If you wish to be considered for the allocation period starting on 1 April 2025 in the CSCS First National Call for Proposals the deadline for submission is Thursday 31 October 2024 at 17:00 CEST.  

Information on how to apply is available here, where you will also find the Production Project Template.   

If you have a multi-year ongoing project, please make sure to check whether your project is still valid and you just need to submit a renewal report for continuation or it ends, and you need to submit a brand-new project proposal. The deadline for submission of renewals is 13 January 2025 at 12 PM CEST.     

CHRONOS Tier-0 Call for Proposals

CHRONOS Calls for Alps are annual! The next deadline is on Monday 19 May 2025 to start on 1 October 2025.

CHRONOS Calls on LUMI-G (Swiss share) can be bi-annual if resources are available. The next deadline is on Thursday 31 October 2025 at 17:00 CET.  

If you are researchers from academia/research institutes in need of scalable computing resources and allocations of the order of 1 mio GPU hours on LUMI-G and you wish to be considered for the allocation starting on 1 April 2025 on the Swiss share of LUMI-G the deadline for submission is Thursday 31 October 2024 at 17:00 CEST.  

CHRONOS on Alps next deadline on Monday 19 May 2025 to start 1 October 2025.  

The CHRONOS Tier-0 projects are expected to address high-impact, challenging and innovative research problems in all fields of science involving highly parallel and scalable simulations and in need of large allocations!  

Information on how to apply is available here >     

EuroHPC Extreme Access Call

If you are interested in applying for allocation on the EuroHPC Pre-Exascale systems (LUMI, LEONARDO and MareNostrum5) information on how to apply can be found here >