April 12, 2022 - by CSCS

CHRONOS Tier-0 Call for Proposals

If you need large allocations, that is 1 Mio node hours or more and you can use GPUs then you have to apply through the CHRONOS Tier-0 Call for proposals. The deadline for submission of Tier-0 proposals is 30 May 2022 at 17:00 CEST for the allocation period starting on 1 October 2022.  

The CHRONOS Tier-0 projects are expected to address high-impact, challenging and innovative research problems in all fields of science involving highly parallel and scalable simulations and in need of large allocations and will be allocated on the Cray XC50 Piz Daint at CSCS and the HPE Cray EX LUMI-G in Kajaani (Swiss-Share). 

Information on how to apply is available here >    

Please carefully read the Technical Guidelines for Applicants and use the template for the Project Scope and Plan. They are both available and downloadable from the above-mentioned webpage  

CSCS 2022 II Call for Proposals

If you wish to be considered for the allocation period starting on 1 October 2022 in the CSCS Second National Call for Proposals the deadline for submission is Monday 16 May 2022 at 17:00 CEST.  

Information on how to apply is available here > 

Please make sure that your proposal contains all the mandatory items, if needed apply for a preparatory project. The Technical report template is available and downloadable on the above-mentioned webpage.   


If you have a multi-year project, please make sure to check whether your project is still valid and you just need to submit a renewal report for continuation or it ends, and you need to submit a brand-new project proposal. The deadline for submission of renewals is 4 July 2022 at 12 PM CEST.  Information is available here >           

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any questions you may have and for any technical support you may need but well before the deadlines!