Hochschule Luzern

CSCS User Lab Day 2024 – Meet the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
Dear Members of the CSCS User Community,
We would like to invite you to join CSCS Staff for the event “CSCS User Lab Day 2024 – Meet the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre”, to be held on Monday, September 2, 2024, at the Hochschule Luzern, located in Luzern, Switzerland. The event will end with an apero to allow further discussions and questions.
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Social Work
Inseliquai 12B
6002 Lucerne
10:00 – 10:25 Registration and Coffee
10:25 – 10:30 Welcome and Agenda
10:30 – 11:15 Scientific Keynote "An integrated software platform for atomistic machine learning", Professor Michele Ceriotti, EPFL
11:15 – 11:45 Plenary Session: "Alps", Dr. Maxime Martinasso, CSCS
11:45 – 12:45 Morning Parallel Sessions:
1. How to use and build HPC software at CSCS: a practical introduction, Dr. Ben Cumming, CSCS
- User environments
- Intoduction to the software stack provided by CSCS on Alps
- A practical guide to using uenv:
- How to find, pull, start and use in SLURM jobs.
- Using UENV provided by CSCS
- Building software with uenv: spack, views and modules
- Intoduction to the software stack provided by CSCS on Alps
2. Automate your HPC workflows with FirecREST API, Juan Dorsch, CSCS
- FirecREST at CSCS:
- Which systems can you access with FirecREST?
- Create clients using the CSCS Developer Portal
- Tools: CLI and pyFirecrest
- Use cases:
- How to manage CI/CD pipelines
- Workflow managers
- Example with Apache Airflow
- Interactive computing Jupyter
- Firecrest UI
- A new web-based UI application to access your filesystems at CSCS interactively
12:45 – 13:45 Lunch
13:45 – 14:30 Plenary Session: "General information for working on Alps", Dr. Luca Marsella & Dr. Tim Robinson, CSCS
- Introduction of Platforms
- Policies and Service Catalogue
- Documentation and Troubleshooting
- Community Slack space and Status Page
14:30 – 15:30 Afternoon Parallel Sessions
3. ML and PyTorch in containers, Dr. Nicholas Browning, CSCS
- Advances in containers for HPC
- Creating container images
- Run at scale with mpi and gpu support at CSCS
- Machine learning use cases
4. Running and developing on Grace Hopper, Dr. Sebastian Keller & Dr. Fabian Bösch, CSCS
- Hardware overview
- module
- node
- Benchmark results & performance expectations
- Optimizing performance
- SLURM efficiently with GH200 (4 GPUs per node, thread affinity, etc)
- Tensor cores / reduced precision
- Collective on GH200 with NCCL
5. Continuous Integration and Development for Scientific Applications, Dr. Andreas Fink & Dr. Radim Janalik, CSCS
- CSCS external CI/CD service: CI/CD on Alps for your github/gitlab/bitbucket project
- How to get access for your project
- Different runner configurations available at CSCS
- How to parametrize CI jobs
- CI/CD as a container build service. How to access your container
- Full containerized CI example, including building of base images, handling base images and running tests on multiple nodes.
Plenary Session:
15:30 - 16:30 CSCS, "Final Remarks and Announcements"
16:30 – 17:30 Farewell Coffee Apero
Registration is mandatory but without charge.
Deadline for registration: Monday, August 26, 2024
Please contact Maria Grazia Giuffreda (mgg@cscs.ch) for questions related to the event content and info@cscs.ch for inquiries related to the event logistics.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday, September 2, 2024!