The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) is pleased to announce the Hackathon CI-CD pipelines on Alps, which will be held on Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at CSCS in Lugano, Switzerland.
Swiss National Supercoputing Centre (CSCS)
Via Trevano 131
6900 Lugano
Event Description
This hackathon will help you get started with CI/CD on CSCS machines. It will begin with a brief presentation covering the basic building blocks provided by CSCS, including how to create FirecREST credentials and assign them to your CI/CD project.
This presentation in the beginning (first hour) will be streamed and can be joined by anyone online.
For in-person participants, the hackathon will be followed by an interactive session, where you will work on your CI setup, while CSCS engineers will be available to help you with any questions you may have.
Target Audience
This hackathon is intended for CSCS users who are interested in running CI-CD pipelines on Alps. It is open to both beginners and experienced users looking to explore or enhance their CI workflows.
The Hackathon will be held from 10:00 to 16:30 CEST, with 1 hour lunch break. Both, morning and afternoon sessions, will have a 15-minutes break.
- 10:00-11:00 Presentation
- 11:00-11:15 Coffee break
- 11:15-12:30 Hands-on
- 12:30-13:30 Lunch (restaurant)
- 13:30-15:00 Hands-on
- 15:00-15:15 Coffee break
- 15:15-16:30 Hand-on & wrap up
Participation Fee and Registration
All in-person participants must register for the course. The registration fee includes lunch and coffee breaks.
Course Fee: CHF 80.00
Deadline for registration: Sunday, March 23, 2025
After registering to the event, we kindly ask you to contact: with a short description of your use case, and what you want to achieve at the hackathon.
Please note that the course can take place only if there are sufficient confirmed registrations received by the deadline. The minimum number of participants is eight. Registration for the course will automatically close when we reach the maximum number of participants (30).
The introductory presentation (starting at 10:00 CEST) will be streamed live (registration not required) and the recording will be available in our Video Portal after the event. Zoom link:
Andreas Fink, Software Engineer (CSCS)
Theofilos Manitaras, Software Engineer (CSCS)
Radim Janalik, HPC Application Engineer (CSCS)
Kindly note that no parking space is available at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre. There is a Park & Ride Resega parking lot, within five minutes walk from CSCS.
You are encouraged to travel by public transportation. The closest bus stop to CSCS is "Lugano, Stadio." From Lugano railway station, you should take bus number 4 or 6.
Suggestions regarding travels and accommodation are available here.
Please contact Andreas Fink ( for questions related to the course content and for questions related to the event logistics.
We look forward to welcoming you at CSCS!