
European Trilinos User Group Meeting

ETH Zurich
Vacancies available
CHF 60.00

The Trilinos Project Team and the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre are pleased to announce a one-day European Trilinos User Group Meeting to be held on June 11, 2019 - the day before PASC19 - at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Further information on the event is available here.

Event: European Trilinos User Group Meeting 2019
Date: June 11, 2019
Location: ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Room: HG D 1.1



  •     Overview of Trilinos capabilities for next-generation parallel computers
  •     Use of Kokkos for efficient on-node parallel problem construction
  •     Capabilities in KokkosKernels for parallel on-node mathematical kernels
  •     Tools for the discretization and solution of differential equations
  •     US solver efforts for Exascale platforms


Monday, June 10, 2019

19:00 - Informal Dinner near ETH - Please contact Mike Heroux if you wish to join for dinner

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

08:00 - Meeting Introduction and Overview - Mike Heroux

08:30 - Using Trilinos from Container and Interactive Environments - Tobias Wiesner

09:15 - Introduction to Kokkos - Christian Trott, Sandia National Laboratories

10:30 - Coffee Break

11:00 - Solving Linear Systems using Trilinos and KokkosKernels - Mike Heroux, Sandia National Laboratories

12:00 - Lunch

13:15 - Fast and Robust Overlapping Schwarz: FROSch - Alexander Heinlein, University of Cologne

14:00 - Using Trilinos/Muelu for Scalable Multigrid Preconditioning - Matthias Mayr, University of the Bundeswehr Munich

14:45 - Coffee Break

15:15 - Discretization and Assembly using Intrepid2 and Tpetra - Mauro Perego, Sandia National Laboratories

16:30 - The ECP Extreme-Scale Scientific Software Development Kit (xSDK) - Keita Teranishi, Sandia National Laboratories

17:00 - Open Discussion


All participants must register for the event. The registration fee includes two coffee breaks and a lunch.

Event fee: 60 CHF

Deadline for registration: Sunday, June 2, 2019


The ETH Zurich main building (HG Hauptgebäude), in dark red on the plan below, is located at the following address:

Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zurich

"ETH/Universitätsspital" is the closest tram stop to the ETH Zurich main building. This tram stop is reachable by tram number 6 and by tram number 10 from the main train station.

The workshop will be held in the meeting room HG D 1.1.

We look forward to welcoming you at ETH Zurich!