
CSCS User Lab Day – Meet the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre

Hochschule Luzern
Vacancies available

Dear Members of the CSCS User Community,

We would like to invite you to join CSCS Staff for the event “CSCS User Lab Day – Meet the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre” to be held on Monday, September 9, 2019 at the Hochschule  Luzern, located in Luzern, Switzerland. The event will end with an apero to allow further discussions and questions. 

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Social Work
Inseliquai 12B
6002 Lucerne


10:00 – 10:30 Registration and Welcome Coffee (Foyer)
10:30 – 10:40 Welcome by Maria Grazia Giuffreda, Head of User Engagement and Support (Auditorium)
10:40 – 11:30 Scientific Keynote "Next Stop Mars" – Professor Domenico Giardini, Energy and Science Center (ESC) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich) (Auditorium)

11:30 – 12:30 Parallel Sessions:

A New Era for HPC – Containers: Towards Reproducibility of Data and Flexibility (Room 02)

  • Advances in containers for HPC.
  • Creating container images.
  • Run at scale with mpi and gpu support at CSCS.
  • Classical HPC and machine learning use cases.

Guideline for Beginners – A Practical Introduction to CSCS HPC Infrastructure (Room 03)

  • How to access CSCS systems and manage efficiently the computing resources.
  • CSCS user policies.
  • How to run batch jobs with Slurm.
  • How to submit requests for support.

Integrating your Infrastructure with CSCS’s: Towards Cloud Services (Room 10)

  • Virtual deployment at CSCS.
  • The Object Storage available for users.
  • Brief tutorial on how to use the virtual platforms.
  • Discuss about current and potential uses cases.

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch (Foyer)

13:30 – 14:30 Parallel Sessions:

A New Era for HPC – From Batch to Interactive Computing (Room 02)

  • New features and enhancements available in JupyterHub.
  • Interactive multi-GPU supercomputing with Julia.
  • How to write native Julia kernels that can be executed on CUDA hardware and show how to create a multi-GPU application using the Julia MPI wrapper.

Guideline for Advanced Users - Libraries for Massively Parallel Many-Core and GPU-Accelerated HPC Simulations (Room 03)

  • Task based programming and linear algebra: the HPX (High Performance ParalleX) library, COSMA (Communicational-optimal Algorithm for Matrix multiplication) and DBCSR (sparse matrix multiplication) libraries.
  • Domain specific libraries: the GridTools library, a framework for applications on regular or block regular grids, will be presented together with its Python interface GridTools4Py.

Integrating your Infrastructure with CSCS’s: Firecrest - a Web API for HPC at CSCS (Room 10)

  • FirecREST, a web-enabled application programming interface (API) to High Performance Computing (HPC) resources available at CSCS.
  • Integration of Firecrest API into web-enabled portals and applications.
  • Discuss of the current and future workflow use-cases at CSCS.

14:30 – 15:30 CSCS Plenaries: Updates from “User Engagement & Support” and “HPC Operations” Units (Auditorium)

15:30 – Apéro and Discussion with Participants (Foyer)


Registration is mandatory but without charge.

Deadline for registration: Friday, August 30, 2019

Please contact Maria Grazia Giuffreda (mgg@cscs.ch) for questions related to the event content and info@cscs.ch for questions related to the event logistics.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday, September 9, 2019!