
GPU Programming with Julia

Vacancies available

The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) is pleased to announce the course GPU Programming with Julia, which will be held online from November 2 to 5, 2021.

Course Description

The programming language Julia is being more and more adopted in High Performance Computing (HPC) due to its unique way to combine performance with simplicity and interactivity, enabling unprecedented productivity in HPC development. This course will discuss both basic and advanced topics relevant for single and Multi-GPU computing with Julia. It will focus on the CUDA.jl package, which enables writing native Julia code for GPUs. Topics covered include the following:

  • GPU array programming;
  • GPU kernel programming;
  • kernel launch parameters;
  • usage of on-chip memory;
  • Multi-GPU computing;
  • code reflection and introspection; and
  • diverse advanced optimization techniques.

This course combines lectures and hands-on sessions.

Target audience

This course addresses scientists interested in doing HPC using Julia. Previous Julia or GPU computing knowledge is not needed, but a good general understanding of programming is advantageous.


Dr. Tim Besard (Lead developer of CUDA.jl, Julia Computing Inc.)
Dr. Samuel Omlin (Computational Scientist | Responsible for Julia computing, CSCS)

Course schedule

Tuesday, November 2, 2021 - Friday, November 5, 2021. The course will take place exclusively in the afternoon from 13:30 to 17:30 CET.


The course will be held in a virtual format.


All participants must register for the course. Registered attendees will receive the ZOOM details for participation at the email provided a few days prior to the workshop start. The link and password you will receive are unique to you and should not be shared with others.

Deadline for registration: Sunday, October 24, 2021.

Please note that the workshop can take place only if there are sufficient registrations received by the deadline. The minimum number of participants is eight. Registration for the course will automatically close when we reach the maximum number of participants (50).
