ETH Zurich
Information Event on Swiss participation in EuroHPC - The European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking
The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (JU) is a legal and funding entity which will enable pooling of EU and national resources in High Performance Computing (HPC) with the aim of developing a pan-European supercomputing infrastructure and Supporting research and innovation activities.
The goal of this event, organized jointly by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), Euresearch and Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), is to inform about the Swiss participation in the JU.
In March 2019 SERI State Secretary Ms Martina Hirayama signed a declaration of interest to join the JU and Switzerland became the 27th European country of the Joint Undertaking. On the 5th of June 2019, the EuroHPC Governing Board decided to place three pre-exascale supercomputers in Finland, Italy and Spain. ETH Zurich / CSCS will represent Switzerland in the Finnish LUMI consortium with the goal to acquire, build and deploy a world-class computing and data infrastructure at the IT Center for Science’s datacenter in Kajaani, Finland.
The Information Event will take place Friday June 14, from 14:00 until 15:00 at ETH Zurich in the Audimax of the main building (HG F30, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich).
- Introduction to the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (Peter Brönnimann, SERI)
- Presentation of the two EUROHPC pillars
- EuroHPC’s Infrastructure Procurement (Peter Brönnimann, SERI)
- Swiss (ETH Zurich / CSCS) involvement in the LUMI consortium (Thomas Schulthess, CSCS)
- Draft version of the EuroHPC R&I Workplan for 2019 (Peter Brönnimann, SERI)
- Towards Extreme scale technologies and applications
- Innovating and Widening the HPC use and skills base
- The European Processor Initiative (EPI)
- Role of Euresearch (Francesco Kienzle, Euresearch)
- Draft version of the EuroHPC R&I Workplan for 2019 (Peter Brönnimann, SERI)
- Outlook on the Digital Europe Programme (DEP) (Peter Brönnimann, SERI)
At the same time the PASC19, the conference dedicated to HPC, will take place in the same premise. You are invited to remain at ETH Zurich to follow a public lecture by Keren Bergman (Columbia University, US) on “Flexibly Scalable High Performance Architectures with Embedded Photonics” that will be given in the Audimax from 15:45 - 16:35.