
FirecREST for RESTful HPC: Enabling Programatic Access of HPC Resources


NCC Switzerland is pleased to announce the webinar "FirecREST for RESTful HPC: Enabling Programatic Access of HPC Resources" which will be held online on Friday, 12 November, from 10:30 to 11:30 (CEST).


Firecrest is bringing the world of programmable Web applications to HPC infrastructure. It uses Web-enabled REST API to expose in a programable way the access of HPC resources including the capability to interact with an HPC workload manager or to move data from/to HPC storage. Such a modern and externally accessible interface enables users to build new tools, integrate workflow managers with standard technology or develop web services and portals that can use HPC resources.

This webinar provides an introduction to the core concepts and the architecture of FirecREST, especially from the system administrators' point of view. Furthermore, we will be looking into the internals of FirecREST, like the integration with the authentication and authorization infrastructure of the site and data transfers.


Felipe Cruz, Computational Scientist
Eirini Koutsaniti, Computational Scientist

Date and Time

Friday, 12 November, from 10:30 to 11:30 (CEST)

Target Audience

NCCs within EuroCC (and other HPC providers linked to them)

Participation Fee

Registration for this tutorial is free-of-charge. Mentors and learning materials are offered by NCC Switzerland.

Terms and Privacy Policy

The webinar will be recorded. Either you are a speaker or an attendee (if not done yet for previous workshops on networking events organized by CASTIEL WP2) please:

  1. Read the info memo and sign the related consent form available here
  2. Upload the signed copy in the dedicated folder

Registration and Connection Details

All participants must register for this webinar.

Further Information

Further information about FirecREST available here.